Via Giovanni Fattori, 6

42019 Scandiano (RE) Italy


BMR and NovaBell: towards the definition of the integrated line

The partnership between NovaBell and BMR thus becomes an example of an evolved strategic vision, where the creation of a product of excellence becomes synonymous with a cutting-edge technological process. After the collaboration in 2014, when dry squaring found its first important test bench and field of use, in 2019 NovaBell acquires the new Top Squadra Dry 4.0 with cameras, a digitized and fully automated dry squaring system.

The innovative digitized and automated dry squaring technology of Top Squadra Dry 4.0 with cameras allows switching from a purely electromechanical context to one that is also computerized and interactive, with process automation such as to guarantee complete remote efficiency, the most advanced production standards, with the collection of diagnostic and predictive data. This is a decisive change of pace, strongly desired by the NovaBell Management: its vision is that of an innovative factory, which overcomes the concept of technological islands in favour of a production chain logic of the line itself, where the integration of processes leads to greater production simplification, with highly performing results. This is a new production and business management that aims to make the most of resources to ensure ever better quality: in support, production, and efficiency.

In recent years, BMR has made the ceramic end of line the protagonist of an exclusive evolution, according to a “tailor made” philosophy, where the tile manufacturer changes from customer to collaborator to evaluate and tackle the various production and design phases together and to arrive at building increasingly flexible and innovative solutions. This industrial paradigm required some fundamental elements, such as the complete digitization of processes, the use of shared resources and the efficient management of data: know-how that BMR has developed and in which it has invested in an important and conscious way to get to design an end-of-line process 4.0 and beyond. Automation and integration are the new watchwords that BMR has made its own with the aim of being able, in the near future, to integrate the production lines and the factories themselves.

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