1896 EAST FIRST ST, 38555 Crossville

Tennessee (TN) USA


Service Quality

4 February 2014 | News | Technical News

GENERAL FEATURES   Service Quality is a supervision system for BMR lines. It has been created to assist customers in knowing the state of the department in real time. It offers the possibility to read production values and the conditions of the individual machines along the line. It also allows you to keep a trace of the production cycle, to view past production logs, to identify production problems and what caused them, to assist operators throughout their work and to provide the details required to compute production costs. The supervisor can work as a stand-alone unit, as a department or it can interact with the company management system. In addition to supervising the machines within the line, it can be used with remote control for tele-assistance purposes.

VIEWING OPERATIONAL STATES  The system offers an overall view of the state of the machines connected in order to monitor the department in real time (machines at work, machines at a standstill, operating conditions and so on).

WARNINGS AND LOG OF ALARMS    The warnings and the description of the alarms triggered on the individual machines of the department are displayed and saved. All the alarms can be viewed on the log page where their date and time of activation and reset are indicated.

PRODUCTION DATA   You can view the main production data of each machine: operating times, stop times, production values, consumptions etc. These data will be collected to form statistics and verify the trend of the lines.

MAINTENANCE    The system manages scheduled maintenance and displays maintenance work about to expire, indicating the interval, time lapsed and time left to do the work.

REPORTS    Production reports that show the increasing amounts of material produced, consumptions and production times of the department during a certain settable time interval.

REMOTE CONNECTION FOR TELE-ASSISTANCE    The system can be used with remote access to be assisted by BMR technicians to resolve problems.