10 September 2020 | News | Commercial News
BMR’s showroom, BMR Gallery, was inaugurated on 9 September in Scandiano (Reggio Emilia, Italy).
In the presence of local authority representatives, such as the Mayor of Scandiano, Matteo Nasciuti and the President of the Province of Reggio Emilia, Giorgio Zanni, and the most important representatives of the Italian ceramic sector – such as the President of Confindustria Ceramica, Giovanni Savorani, the President of Federmacchine Giuseppe Lesce, the General Manager of the Sacmi Group, Giulio Mengoli and entrepreneurs such as Franco Stefani, Claudio Lucchese and Luca Mussini, BMR and its Chairman Paolo Sassi celebrated the opening of a new space where technology, aesthetics, innovation and training come together to provide opportunities for exchanging ideas, growth and development.
Adjacent to its headquarters, with an evolutionary design and in harmony with the built environment of Scandiano, the new showroom marks an important achievement for the company with over 50 years of experience in the production of ceramic finishing machinery and technologies.
Both an accomplishment and starting point, where past, present and future come together in the form of BMR’s main products: its machines.
BMR Gallery is an elegant and modern space of about 700 square metres, created in a warehouse adjacent to the company’s production department, from which it is accessed. Here, in a setting characterized by the refined white floor and walls, full emphasis is given to some of the leading and most advanced BMR technologies: 1 Leviga Plus module, dedicated to polishing and lapping surfaces; 1 SuperShine machine, definable in all respects as the first Dry technology super-polisher; 1 TopSquadraDry 4.0 squaring module with camera system and fully automated; 1 TraslaDry, dedicated to pre-cutting and discontinuous cutting for slabs, also equipped with dry technology; 1 Check Vision dimensional control system, 1 Special Cut, plotter machine for ceramic slab special cuts (automatic round, arched and elliptical or round cuts). The display is completed with prestigious ceramic slabs, the result of BMR processing technologies.
A Conference Room has also been created within the BMR Gallery: an environment enclosed by glass walls that give total visibility onto the showroom, inside which the latest generation of workstations and LCD screens offer the right context for meetings and training opportunities.
“This is the outcome of an ambition that started over 50 years ago, BMR, and that continues today with unremitting determination – says Paolo Sassi, Chairman of BMR and backbone of the company. – Considering the difficult period that Italy is going through, the inauguration of this project aims to represent the desire to get up again, just like that of the Italian people who have never given up”.
BMR, an example of “made in Italy” excellence, has always set itself the goal of spreading its technical expertise in ceramic end of the line processing throughout the world. The incomparable level of quality of its products allows it to manufacture the most competitive systems that modern technology can offer. This year, sales of squaring machines have exceeded 1300 units and the polishing and lapping sector has seen sales of over 400 units, between the Leviga and SuperShine machines, marking a real change in the industry.
As well as its international presence, BMR also takes a strong interest in its own area that has always been a source of investment to contribute to and to receive from. It has always been well aware of the value that the Italian ceramic district – located between the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Modena in the Emilia region – is able to develop.
“The value of an investment like this – added Matteo Nasciuti, the Mayor of Scandiano – represents a specific willingness to focus, once again, on the area with competency, resourcefulness and foresight. These are qualities that we believe are an integral part of the DNA of Scandiano. We are therefore grateful to Paolo Sassi for this new achievement and we confirm our willingness to exchange ideas and provide support for any future needs that may arise”.
Further evidence of the strategic importance of BMR for the area and the ceramic district, a few hours after the ribbon cutting, was the official visit by the Emilia Romagna Region president Stefano Bonaccini, who admired this new and bright space, an example of strategic and evolved corporate vision. Paolo Sassi together with BMR’s main managers accompanied the president on the institutional visit.
BMR Gallery is an example of how customer focus is central to developing synergies that pass from a supplier / customer relationship to that of a partner / customer relationship.
BMR Gallery therefore, is a prerequisite for providing a unique and exclusive service: a place where people can meet, exchange ideas and for training purposes, where the BMR machines and expertise are on hand and where it is easy to find opportunities to exchange ideas, carry out training, meet and make presentations.
A fundamental integration – in the approach to commerce as well as technology and production – to continue to grow and to reaffirm its technological excellence in the sector throughout the world.