Via Giovanni Fattori, 6

42019 Scandiano (RE) Italy

BMR BRAZIL: the new BMR branch in South America

BMR BRAZIL: the new BMR branch in South America

29 March 2021 | News | Commercial News

BMR Brazil is the new branch that BMR will inaugurate at the end of May in Rio Claro, in the state of San Paolo in Brazil, to guarantee an increasingly attentive and performing presence and service dedicated to the needs of the South American market. The quality and professionalism of BMR, in fact, have been recognized and confirmed by Brazil which has identified the company with its headquarters in Scandiano (Reggio Emilia, Italy) as an ideal partner for ceramic finishing.

More specifically, the technological evolution of Supershine has been appreciated by the local market which has perceived the important added value that can be identified in the high-quality end product, in savings in terms of lapping tools and in an increase in production speed.

With these prerequisites, BMR has decided to open the new office in Brazil, setting it up with a warehouse equipped with all the spare parts necessary to meet customer needs and guarantee a 24-hour customer service, aimed at providing quick and timely responses.

Alberto Ferlini, BMR area manager for Brazil, and agent Adriano Furtado are at the full disposal of the Brazilian customer and guarantee a service worthy of BMR’s made in Italy quality.